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Pesto Cappon magro  (Genoa’s salad of seafood and vegetables)
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Pesto Cappon magro (Genoa’s salad of seafood and vegetables)

Pesto Cappon magro (Genoa’s salad of seafood and vegetables)

per 4
for  4
Ingredients for 4 people:


  • 2 fillets of redfish to boil with celery bay leaves and vinegar

  • 1 lemon

  • Diced courgettes, carrots and potatoes

  • A half of cauliflower

  • 1 cooked beet

  • Green sauce (if you like it)

  • Gallette del marinaio (A Ligurian product :The sailor’s hardtacks, a kind of long-lasting cracker used during long sea-voyages)

  • A jar of 90 gr of Pesto di Pra’ with no garlic

  • Oil, salt, pepper and vinegar



First of all break the sailor’s hardtacks into fragments and soak them in a mixture of water and vinegar. Boil vegetables separately in salted water and dice them. Cut the beet and boil the redfish fillets in water, celery, bay and vinegar for about 4-5 minutes.
When they are cooked through, cut them into pieces and  season with extra virgin olive oil and a few drops of lemon juice. Finally boil the prawns to use as a decoration of the dish.
Use a “coppapasta” (a mould for pasta) to layer all the ingredients on the plate: starting from Pesto di Pra’ on the bottom, the hardtacks, a layer of redfish, of cauliflower and beet, green sauce, diced vegetables and so on. 
Complete the dish with a layer of pesto di Pra’ on which you’ll lay the shrimps.
(Recipe by Valentina Scarnecchia).


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Recipe prepared with

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