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800 gr. tripe to eat as a salad
1 Tropea red onion
4 artichokes
Extra virgin olive oil
Salt, pepper
4 tablespoons Pesto di Pra’
Extra virgin olive oil
Salt, pepper
Lemon juice
First of all clean and slice the artichokes, cut the onion into thick round slices and put the vegetables in a large bowl with the tripe. Season with a drizzle of oil, some pepper and some drops of lemon juice. Put aside.
In another bowl whisk vigorously 4 spoons of pesto with abundant extra virgin olive oil, salt, pepper and the juice of half a lemon.
Serve the dish of tripe salad next to a little bowl of sauce so that everyone can get the amount of sauce he needs.
(Recipe by Valentina Scarnecchia)
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