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800 gr/1 Kg of mussels
4 teaspoons Pesto di Pra’
1 garlic clove
A big potato
340 gr spaghetti
Extra virgin olive oil
Clean the mussels. In a large pan lightly brow the garlic, lay the mussels, cover the pan and let it over high heat.
When mussels are fully open, turn off the heat and remove the pan.
Cut the potato into small cubes, bring a large pot of water to a boil, add salt and pour the potato. Wait for water to boil again and leave on the stove for further 2 minutes.
Separate the mussels from the shells then discard most of the shells, keeping some as a garnish. Filter the liquid of the mussels to remove any bits of shell and sand. Put some oil in the pan, add the filtered liquid of the mussels.
Cook spaghetti with potatoes.
After ¾ of an hour drain the pasta and put it into the pan with the previously heated liquid.
Stir spaghetti using a fork in order to let them absorb the sauce and finish cooking.
Add the remaining mussels with their shells and 4 teaspoons of pesto diluted with pasta water.
(Recipe by Natalia Cattelani).
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